WT1 provides a self-contained online outdoor air emissions monitoring station based on various gas sensors in arrays providing low ppb gas (H2S, RSH, NO2, NH3, SO2…). Detection of VOCs, odors, noise and particles correlated with dynamic olfactometry with high precision in ppm, ppb or OU / M3.
In-line instruments provide plant emission monitoring and process control capability with automatic triggering and sampling devices WT1 is equipped with up to 6 electrochemical cells among 20 (H2S NH3, RSH, NO2, NO, SO2, O3…), 4 MOS sensors for odors and PID as an option. The instrument provides automatic online reading of gas concentrations and can create an automatic alarm based on each MOS sensor or their combined output for automatic alarms.
Particle size monitoring can be added as optional modules from 0.3 to 17 µm. Correlation with OU can be provided by on-line automated sampling and dynamic olfactometry or field olfactometry and a simple correlation model. The instrument provides automatic online reading (PC, tablets and phone) of gas concentration, automatic alarms. State-of-the-art data processing provides in-line correlation with gas and sensory perception and enables impact and plume prediction.